Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Baby names for today are my favorite baby names, today. Found at under Arthurian Legend Baby Names.

Astolat - Lady of Shalott who kills herself for the love of Lancelot - Or, Southern American which translates to "I took that item that didn't belong to me."

Ettard - Lover of Pelleas - or an insult thrown by someone with a speech impediment.

Laudegrance - Father of Guinevere

Leodegan - Father of Guinevere?

Leodegraunce - Dang...Guinevere's mother must have been busy. It's like "Mama Mia" all over again.

Mabonaqain - A knight - Mabonaqain, Maboffaqain - I can't decide.

Borre - Son of Arthur - as in "You're such a..."

Good thing Jr's not here, yet. He/she would probably hate me for a really long time.

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I can't NOT chime in on this Supreme Court thing

So, it's no secret on this page that I am rapidly pro-life.  I don't beat around the bush on this topic.  But, what you may not know...